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Lectures in March at UTA in Puławy

On 5 March in Pulawy the lecture was given by Ms Joanna Sołodzińska "Biodiversity as the biological diversity of the world around us."

The meeting was attended by 170 students. As the introduction the students listened to the song by  Jonasz Kofta "Remember the gardens". During the meeting the definition of biodiversity was discussed in depth and the multilevel aspect of this concept was highlighted. The importance of biodiversity for the existence of trophic relationships regulating the populations living in the ecosystem was stressed out. Joanna highlighted the importance of everyday human activities for biodiversity and pointed to the existence of specific "services" provided by nature to a man.

The issues that I think were the most interesting for the students, were:

  • the diversity between the species, the richness of animals often not noticeable in our environment
  • the mechanisms self-regulating the quantity / presence of pests in our garden
  • the importance of weeds for the existence of biodiversity in our garden
  • herbalism, the use of plants in medicine
  • the role of plants in the environment, stressing the importance of planting the trees
  • the role of CITES in protecting animals, which animals are covered by the Washington Convention


After the lecture, some female participants asked Joanna about the specific gardening practical tips, fortunately she has her own garden and likes talking about it.

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