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Note – the new recruitment! We invite other UTAs to take part in the second stage of the project "Biodiversity is also US"

We are pleased to inform you that we have the possibility of extending the project "Biodiversity is also US" by inviting other Universities of the Third Age. They will join 30 UTAs, which have already benefited from the activities organised under the auspices of the project and from the active promotion among the students, their families as well as among children and young people of the idea of conservation of biological diversity through science and fun.


We invite you to join the second stage of the project!





Invitation together with the Regulations and registration form is included in the materials for EcoAnimators at:


Please read the Regulations carefully and we encourage you to read other materials on the website at the address:, including current activities and events carried out so far among the involved UTAs.

Should you have any questions, please contact us. Note - The number of places is limited so the applications are handled on first come first served basis!




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