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30 Universities of the Third Age may take part in the new stage of the project! Welcome!

We are pleased to inform you that thanks to obtaining subsidies from the Mechanism of Financing of the European Economic Area (EOA) we are able to invite the Universities of the Third Age to the next stage of the project „Biodiversity is also US”.

As part of the new stage we will accomplish the following

  1. Conference for Eco-Animators – a two-day Conference with workshops at the Centre of Forest Education in Celestynów.
  2. The campaign “A Senior Citizen – Social Observer of Nature” – a unique activity for the students of the Universities of the Third Age.
  3. “Lecture about biodiversity” – a traditional-type lecture addressed to a large audience for students.

You are welcome to become familiar with the following documents and to apply to the Project.

Zaproszenie do projektu Bioróżnorodność to także MY / Invitation to the project „Biodiversity is also US”

Regulamin do projektu Bioróżnorodność to także MY / Regulations of the project „Biodiversity is also US”

Formularz zgłoszeniowy do projektu Bioróżnorodność to także MY / Application form to the project „Biodiversity is also US”



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