
The second stage of the "National education program and a promotional campaign for the elderly" Green Knowledge for UTA. Biodiversity is also MY - seniors' "was co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area in the amount of 1004016 zł. The funds come from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.

The first phase of the project has supported the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. NFOŚ together with the regional (i.e. voivodeship) funds, as independent entities, constitute a system of financing the protection of the natural environment in Poland. The National Fund, which in 2014 will have had the twenty fifth anniversary of its existence, is the source of financing for the ecological undertakings with a supra-regional nature. Besides, 16 regional funds have supported for twenty years the financing of the environmental protection at the regional level. 


University Centre for Environmental and Sustainable Development Studies was founded in 1989 by the Rector of the University of Warsaw, professor Grzegorz Białkowski, on the initiative of the Deans of four departments: “Biology”, “Chemistry”, “Geology” and “Geography and Regional Studies”. The Centre was created as a sign of a conviction, which was forming itself at that time in academic circles, that the complicated problems of the natural environment cannot be the domain of the scientists specializing in only one field. Also, teaching about the natural environment requires presenting the whole picture in the dimension which is not only related to nature: biological or geological, but also social, legal, economic and even ethical one.


The All-Poland Association of the Universities of the Third Age, with the registered office in Warsaw, became a reality. The Universities of the Third Age constitute important centres of continuous education for elderly persons, which type of education is one of the priorities of the European Union. There are over 200 such centres in Poland already. They unite between ten and twenty thousand students, which proves that there is a great demand for that kind of activity. That great population of people so far have not had the appropriate representation, nor an ombudsman. 


„Żyjmy Dłużej” is your magazine. You will find here information about health and sanitary prophylaxis, which information is solid, exhaustive and supported by expert knowledge. You will also learn how, to the benefit of your organism and your wellbeing, you can spend your free time and how you can take care of your loved ones. You will read fascinating reports about people who, despite their advanced age and illnesses, know how to live their lives to the full.



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